“Staying Healthy FIRST Tee – San Joaquin” — 2021
The good news is we do not have to make too many changes as the game of golf already incorporates most of the best practices to keep us all safe:
- Golfers already stand apart when we play and practice (so we do not get our teeth knocked out)
- We are outside, on a golf course where every 4 people are separated by a 10-minute gap (tee times)
- We all have our own golf clubs, and it is against the Rules of Golf to share (unless playing a designated format)
- We also each bring our own ball and do not hit someone else’s, that too is against the rules
- We carry our own drinks and snacks and if need be, can buy additional at the course
Along with the above basics and a couple of operational changes we are confident that we can keep Playing and “Staying Healthy FIRST Tee – San Joaquin”.
Recommendations for Keeping it Safe at First Tee Classes and Camps
1. Drop off, Check-in and Check-out
- At the various locations and programs, prior the first class your coach will contact you as to the specific procedures of that Golf Course.
- We will have a designated person checking in and out the players, no signing yourself into class
- Kids will place their golf bag in a designated club area
2. Classes
- Cleaning will be going on all day, coaches and staff will have disinfected wipes if needed
- No sharing or touching other’s equipment (clubs, ball markers, pushcarts, clubs, tees, towels, range finders, etc). If a student needs golf equipment we will give them a set of clubs for the day, and they will be sanitized after each class
- Plans will be and set up for all to remain 3 to 6 feet apart during activities.
- We recommend Coaches and Players 12 and over that have not been vaccinated wear a face covering. Coaches will have masks available if they need to break physical distance for the purpose of running the class. We recommend all players under 12 wear a mask during activities.
- Any indoor activities masks will be required for all.
- Hand sanitizer will be available and required before and after class, parents are encouraged to send kids with hand sanitizer to use during class if they accidentally have contact.
- Limit 1 person in the restroom at any one time, a coach or monitor of the same gender will wait outside the door.
- No water coolers, kids will need to bring their own water
3. Families help Kids in “Staying Healthy FIRST TEE”
- Encourage your child to avoid touching their face, ears, nose, eyes, and mouth
- Have them wash their hands frequently
- Use hand sanitizer when unable to wash hands
- Remind them to sneeze or cough into their elbow
- Let them know it is okay if they feel ill to talk about it and not hide it.
4. Just in case
- If someone is not feeling well or has a fever, please stay home
- If a child has tested + for Covid-19, he/she must not attend First Tee until
- It has been 10 days since symptoms first appeared
- It has been 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever reducing medication, and
- Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving.
- If a family member has tested + for Covid-19 or a student has otherwise been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) with a person who has COVID 19 he student should not attend First Tee events for at least 14 days after the last contact. The CDC recommends testing immediately after such exposure is identified and again in 5-7 days after the last exposure.
Note: A student who is fully vaccinated does not need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms, but the CDC recommends that they get tested 3-5 days after exposure.